I've just come across this hilarious story from the Saudi Gazette about the OIC - that's the Organisation of the Islamic Conference - calling on the UN and international community to respect religions:
That's right people, Muslim countries calling on non-Muslims to respect people's religious rights:
“We emphasize the need to develop, at the UN, including the HRC, a legally binding institutional instrument to promote respect for all religions and cultural values and prevent intolerance, discrimination and the instigation of hatred against any group or followers of any religion.”
So let me get this straight. Countries such as Saudi Arabia where any religion other than Islam is banned, want the UN to impose religious tolerance and respect on its members. Countries like Iran that recognises only four religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Zorastrianism) and which imposes shariah on its citizens regardless of their religion wants to the UN to prevent religious discrimination. The OIC whose members refuse to sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because it includes freedom of religion, want the rest of the world to guard against the instigation of religious hatred.
Does anyone else see the word hypocrisy screaming out at them?
Countries that stone people to death because they want to chose their own religion now want to preach to the rest of the free world about religious tolerance... Seriously, what would you think about Hitler preaching about Jewish rights?
There's an expression in English, take the log out of your own eye before you try removing the speck from others'. Never could that expression be more apt than for the OIC.
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